
The Role of International Capital Markets in Microfinance

Paper presented at research symposium, “Credit Markets for the Poor”
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This paper discusses the entry of commercial mainstream investors into microfinance and the likely evolution of capital markets funding for microfinance. The paper states that:

  • In recent years, international capital markets have begun investing in microfinance;
  • Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs), private placements and direct securitizations of microloans have raised approximately $500 million;
  • Private sector debt and equity microfinance funds are now controlling more than $2 billion;
  • Although traditional microfinance funders are behind most of this investment, private sector institutional investors are increasingly seeking full market returns;
  • These mainstream commercial investors are driving the opening of capital markets to microfinance.

The paper examines:

  • The need for capital markets funding in microfinance;
  • The case of Blue Orchard Microfinance securities (BOMSI) –a CDO;
  • The growing participation by commercial investors;
  • Commercial equity investment in microfinance.

The paper concludes that:

  • It would be wise to question the sustainability of capital markets investment in microfinance;
  • Although there are many constraints to growth, financial products will eventually become more numerous, standardized, and fitted to capital market norms;
  • Commercial investment in microfinance will have both positive and negative effects;
  • The focus of microfinance on “banking the unbanked” gives it a unique profile of risk and reward that can draw institutional investors seeking diversification and absolute returns.

About this Publication

By Swanson, B.