
Building Win-Win Investor Investee Relationships

Different perspectives of a "win-win relationship"
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This paper attempts to narrow the gap of understanding between investors and investees, in an effort to make the investment process more time-efficient and less painstaking. The paper provides the following details of the research:

  • Methodology: in-depth interviews with banks, microfinance institutions (MFIs) and international investors;
  • Purpose: to use the experiences of international investors and MFI/ bank investees to define the components of a "win-win" investment relationship.

The study finds that a win-win relationship is established where:

  • Both the investor and investee have clear objectives and agree on the timeline for achieving them;
  • Management buys into the agreed objectives and has the incentives to achieve them;
  • There is a clear separation of management and board roles and responsibilities;
  • Boards operate with authority and do not refer to shareholders for decisions that boards should be making;
  • Governance structures are in place to bring independence of board and establish respective responsibilities of management, shareholders and board;
  • Legal documentation is clear, simple and comprehensive.

It concludes by listing the following characteristics of a win-win relationship:

  • Strong human capacity within the organization;
  • Committed management team;
  • Established performance culture;
  • Meeting/exceeding of performance expectations;
  • Creation of value for all stakeholders;
  • Meeting of timescale for achieving objectives;
  • Measurable return both in financial and other relevant terms.

About this Publication

By Hinton, P.