
SYSDE SAF CGAP Review 2005: SYSDE's Feedback to the Review

SYSDE SAF's comments on suggested improvements in CGAP software review
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This paper contains SYSDE's response to CGAP's review of its software. It highlights SYSDE's position as a global services and technology supplier to financial institutions around the world, and reiterates the companys policy and commitment to continuous improvement.The review had suggested that SYSDE make improvements to achieve better ratings in the future. In response, SYSDE replies that customer surveys conducted indicate that its customers are satisfied with its solutions. The paper also encourages customers to post feedback on the CGAP website about their satisfaction levels with SYSDE products and services.SYSDE also makes specific comments in the areas that the CGAP review has flagged off for improvement. These areas include ease of use, management reporting and services.

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By Quesada, L.