
Remittances and Microfinance: A Practical Application

Can remittance clients be lured to use other micro-finance services?
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Remittances are a major source of income from Latin American migrants working in other countries. Approximately 18 million families in Latin America receive around U.S. $38 billion per year from migrants working in the United States of America. A large section of this group of emigrants also forms the target population for microfinance services.

This article provides a view of the principal experiences accomplished in the framework of a joint project of the Internationale Mikro Investitionen (IMI) network entities in Latin America under the sponsorship of the Multilateral Investment Fund, MIF. Further, the article states:

  • The objectives of the project - introducing remittance services and its link-up with the institutions' other services;
  • Steps in the introduction of remittance services;
  • Preferences of the customers receiving remittances, identified as:
    • Security and speed of the service;
    • Proximity of the offices;
    • Cost of the transactions.

Finally, the article gauges the future requirements of remittance services and assesses demand for:

  • Additional financial services linked to remittances;
  • Services such as automatic tellers, or debit and credit cards among others, that facilitate access to the funds from the remittances received;
  • Options that reduce the direct costs of transfers.

About this Publication

By Buchenau, J.