
Towards Sustainable and Responsible Investment in Emerging Markets: A Review and Inventory of the Social Investment Industry's Activities and Potential in Emerging Markets

Socially responsible investment Setting the scene
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This paper provides an overview of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) in emerging markets. The paper analyzes:

  • SRI growth and states that:
    • The SRI industry has expanded dramatically in the developed countries over the past three decades;
    • The expansion of SRI in emerging markets could make it a major force influencing how corporations impact sustainable development.
  • SRI performance and finds:
    • Consistent competitiveness in its financial performance;
    • Out performance by the majority of SRI funds over their relevant benchmark indices;
    • Decision-making process of SRI including social and environmental externalities.

The paper stresses the demand for SRI in emerging markets and identifies:

  • Barriers in this area:
    • Lack of experience among social investors about emerging markets;
    • Concern about the profitability of emerging market investments;
    • Dearth of credible, standardized data on business practices related to social and environmental concerns;
    • Inadequate infrastructure for supporting knowledge development and information networking.
  • Opportunities:
    • Growing awareness of international issues making social investors feel it morally imperative to work on a sustainable global economy;
    • The emerging markets witnessing a better environment for SRI;
    • Possibility of multinationals to be engaged in sustainability issues related to emerging markets.

The paper concludes by recommending steps to:

  • Encourage a stronger knowledge and networking infrastructure;
  • Support the creation of corporate social and environmental data services focused on emerging markets;
  • Motivate more institutional and retail SRI.

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By Enterprising Solutions