
Technical Assistance to the Kingdom of Cambodia for Preparing the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Sector Development Program

Significance of the informal sector in the Cambodian economy
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The technical assistance paper presents a framework for preparing small and medium enterprise (SME) sector development program (SSDP) in Cambodia and enumerates the following issues that need to be addressed for the development of SME sector:

  • Criticality of strengthening SME sector to reduce poverty;
  • Lack of comprehensive policy as well as conducive legal framework for the SME sector;
  • Lack of information networks and institutions;
  • Poor access to finance.

The technical assistance paper visualizes the following outputs for achieving a strong SME sector:

  • Enhancing the legal, institutional, and policy framework to facilitate SME development;
  • Providing an in-depth diagnostic analysis of the key issues facing the SME sector;
  • Presenting a detailed draft of the framework for SME development;
  • Identifying the overall framework for the SSDP;
  • Providing pre-feasibility analyses of the investment possibilities in SME sector.

The paper provides the cost, the implementation arrangement and the terms of reference for consultants of the proposed technical assistance.

About this Publication

By Cyhn, J.