
Saving and Credit Cooperatives: A New Conceptual Approach

Problems and solutions for savings and credit cooperatives
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This paper identifies the problems faced by credit and saving cooperatives and ways to resolve them. As per the paper, the problems faced by the credit and saving cooperatives are:

  • Lack of clarity on the nature and aim of the cooperative;
  • Lack of clarity on structure and operating principles;
  • Failure to initiate projects for increasing revenues.

Further, the paper discusses:

  • Problems in understanding the nature of the credit and saving cooperative:
    • An imported product that is not designed for local requirements;
    • Interest accrual on savings at the end of the working year;
    • The principle of share capital in the credit and saving cooperative.
  • The problem of surplus in the credit and saving cooperative;
  • The factors to consider for fixing the remuneration of the manager;
  • The credit and saving cooperative as a system for financing production:
    • Different forms of credit for agricultural production;
    • The essential triangle of production (ETP).

Finally, the paper suggests solutions for each of the above mentioned problems. The paper re-emphasizes the importance of the saving and credit cooperatives to the economic progress of nations throughout the world.

About this Publication

By Galor, Z.