
Development Best Practices in Credit Union Supervision: Examination Process - Savings Review

How does an examiner review the savings account of a credit union?
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This paper discusses the "savings review", which is a part of the examination process of a credit union. The paper discusses:

  • The objectives of the review, which include determining that:
    • Savings policies are realistic;
    • Members' needs are met;
    • Internal controls are adequate, etc.
  • Scope of the review, which depends upon the complexity of a credit union's savings structure.
  • Savings review process, which includes:
    • Verifying the general ledger savings balances and ensuring that they are equal to the subsidiary and financial statements balances;
    • Determining that the board of directors approves all interest rate changes and the approval is documented in the board minutes;
    • Determining the different types of savings accounts offered and the total amount in each type, etc.
  • Signs of warning that may indicate existing or potential problems, like:
    • Interest rates significantly above or below the local market rates;
    • Concentration of savings in one account type;
    • A few members owning a large percentage of the savings funds, etc.

The paper concludes by examining the issue of capital, profitability and savings deficiencies. It states that:

  • Issues of a material nature should be addressed in the "Document of Resolution";
  • The action to be taken has to be noted along with the individual responsible for taking the corrective action and the time frame within which the action should be taken.

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