
Development Best Practices in Credit Union Supervision: Examination Process - Institutional Capital and Profitability

How important is it to examine credit unions' capital and profitability?
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This paper details a part of the examination process that studies institutional capital and profitability. The paper provides:

  • Definition of institutional capital;
  • Its importance for the credit union's future;
  • Reasons for the existence of capital accounts.

The paper then discusses:

  • The objective of the capital review, which is to determine that:
    • The board has established a capital accumulation strategy that states the capital goal ratios, financial plan and time frame for achieving the goals,
    • There is sufficient capital as opposed to operational risk, etc;
  • Scope of the capital review, highlighting the factors to be considered when determining the adequacy of capital;
  • Institutional capital review and the procedures that examiners should use to review capital accounts;
  • Signs of warning like, ratios, numbers, trends or suspicious activity that may indicate existing or potential problems;
  • Objective of profitability review, which is to determine:
    • Income and expense trends,
    • Actual operating results, etc;
  • Its scope, which would include a review of the income statement, income and expense accounts with negative trends and ratios that assess profitability;
  • The process of the profitability review, which should include a review of the credit union's general financial condition.

The paper concludes by listing signs of warning that indicate existing or potential problems.

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