
Recommendations for the Creation of a Pro-Microcredit Regulatory Framework

Creating an enabling environment for MFI operations
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This Grameen Foundation USA (GFUSA) document makes recommendations for the creation of a sound regulatory framework for microfinance.

Lack of an enabling regulatory framework has slowed microfinance growth in many countries. GFUSA recommendations for the creation of a supportive regulatory framework for microfinance include:

  • Make a clear policy statement recognizing the importance of microfinance;
  • Create an independent Microfinance Commission;
  • Allow NGOs or MFIs to conduct limited banking activities;
  • Direct the Commission to prioritize issues such as interest rates, savings mobilization, capital requirements, standardization and transparency;
  • Empower the Commission to make recommendations about microcredit-specific legislation;
  • Provide incentives for domestic banks to work with MFIs;
  • Observe some general principles regarding the creation of a regulatory framework, such as starting small and consulting with key players.

Finally, governments can assist in developing a strong microfinance sector by creating an enabling environment that allows private groups to innovate and grow.

About this Publication

By Counts, A., Sobhan, S.