
Leasing for Micro and Small Entrepreneurs in Chile: An Answer to Mid & Long-Term Funding Needs

How is leasing beneficial to micro-entrepreneurs in Chile?
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This paper studies lease financing as an option for micro-entrepreneurs in Chile. It analyzes the operations of Inversiones para el Desarrollo S.A. (INDES) for a possible dissemination of information and the incorporation of this type of service in other microfinance institutions (MFIs).

The paper provides a detailed analysis of the external and internal factors that contributed to the development and/or performance of INDES. These include:

  • External:
    • Economic environment;
    • Micro and small enterprise sector;
    • Government policies in support of micro and small enterprises;
    • Legal and regulatory framework.
  • Internal:
    • Property and governance;
    • Organizational structure;
    • Human resources;
    • Financial structure.

Finally, the paper discusses the advantages of the leasing service provided by INDES:

  • For the micro-entrepreneurs:
    • Leasing allows clients to increase their total ready availability of capital derived from external sources, freeing-up their own sources of capital for productive assets;
    • The lessee has the possibility to get discounts for the full payment in cash.
  • For INDES:
    • Leasing operations are more secure because they are guaranteed by the very object of the leasing;
    • As the legal proprietor of the goods, the lessor is in a position of increased security.