
Law on Amendments to the Law on Banks

Amendments to the laws regulating the banking entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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This paper is an official document of Bosnia and Herzegovina, discussing the amendments in rules and regulation applicable for banking entities in the country. The paper discusses the articles, highlighting the amendments made with regards to the formatting and paraphrasing of existing articles. These articles explain various amendments made with respect with laws regarding:

  • Meeting of the shareholders;
  • Decision making process by the shareholders and their proxies;
  • Protection offered to the minority in decision making process;
  • Minutes of the general meeting of shareholders.

In addition to the above, the paper also explains amendments related to:

  • Constitution and duties of the supervisory board;
  • Composition, duties and operations of the management;
  • Makeup and responsibilities of the audit board;
  • Powers associated with the provisional administrator;
  • Liquidation.

The paper concludes with the article mentioning that this law will come to effect from the next day after its publication in the official gazette.