
Worldwide Distribution and Performance of Microfinance Institutions

A survey of microfinance performance in developing countries
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This brief summarizes the results of a survey that sought to answer the following questions:

  • How many microfinance institutions (MFIs) exist in the developing world?
  • How well are they performing?
  • What is their role in household economies?
  • Are they using their funds efficiently?

The survey:

  • Used information from MFIs in Asia, Africa and Latin America;
  • Adopted an average loan size of US $1,000 as the ceiling in defining MFIs;
  • Reviewed publications on microfinance;
  • Looked at MFIs that have some kind of international support.

The survey finds:

  • 1,478 MFIs that reach 54 million members, 44 million savers and around 23 million borrowers;
  • A total savings volume of US $12 billion and a total outstanding loan volume of US $18 billion;
  • A range of microfinance models in use;
  • Evidence that a minimum of political and economic stability is necessary for MFIs to develop;
  • Diversity of technology and legal status amongst MFIs.

The survey also presents findings regarding:

  • MFI activity in terms of volume;
  • The number of MFIs and their clients;
  • Volume of savings and loan distribution and repayment.

The paper concludes that although there are a multitude of MFIs that offer financial services to 54 million households, increasing the size and productivity of each institution could result in better outreach.

About this Publication

By Lapenu, C.