
Microfinance in Vanuatu: Institutions and Policy

Proceedings from "Pacific updates on Solomon Islands, Fiji and Vanuatu", June 2000
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This paper provides an introduction to microfinance in Vanuatu.

The paper begins by discussing:

  • The three key principles of microfinance: knowing the market, using techniques to lower administrative costs and ensure high repayment rates;
  • The developmental benefits of microfinance: poverty reduction, smoothing consumption, managing risks better, and enhancing income earning capacity.

The paper describes the characteristics of:

  • Commercial banks in Vanuatu;
  • The 'Vanuatu Women's Development Scheme' (VANWODS);
  • The credit union movement;
  • Demand for microfinance in Vanuatu:
    • Unmet demand from the 'poorest of the rich',
    • High demand for voluntary savings products,
    • Demand for credit for income generating activities in larger centers,
    • Demand for low cost models that emphasize savings mobilization and loans for provident purposes.

It states that microfinance in Vanuatu would find it difficult to attain sustainability and financial self-sufficiency and lists the following key policy issues facing donors and the government:

  • Selection of appropriate centers for the establishment of microfinance programs;
  • Resources needed for the establishment and sustainability of these programs.

The paper concludes with the following recommendations for a bright future for microfinance in Vanuatu:

  • Getting support from the government and donor agencies;
  • Taking into account the nature of the local economy;
  • Following microfinance best practice principles.

About this Publication

By McGuire, P.