
Discussion Paper: Microfinance and HIV/AIDS

How MFIs can play an active role in HIV/AIDS crisis and maintain long-term financial sustainability
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This discussion paper heightens awareness of the impact of HIV/AIDS on microfinance institutions (MFIs) and the communities they serve. The paper points out a range of options open to MFIs that decide to play a proactive role in HIV/AIDS-affected communities.

The paper raises the following questions:

  • What can MFIs do in the face of a potential, or growing, or established HIV/AIDS crisis?
  • How can they strengthen their institutions so that they can continue to serve communities affected by HIV/AIDS?
  • How can they better serve their clients throughout?

To meet the pandemic in its face, the paper highlights the following:

  • Access to microfinance services gives households a way to both prepare for and cope with crises;
  • It is in MFIs' interest to consider to widen services to match the changing needs of their client base;
  • MFIs can experiment with programmatic changes to address the HIV/AIDS crisis.

The paper finally suggests the following basic guidelines as a starting point that can be put forward to bring HIV/AIDS activities into an MFI's ambit:

  • Listen more carefully to clients;
  • Look for opportunities for institutional linkages to health organizations;
  • Observe clients' access to as much high-quality information as possible;
  • Understand the stage of the HIV/AIDS epidemic;
  • Think broadly, and then act strategically;
  • Document and share institutional experiments.

About this Publication

By Parker, J.