
Non-profit Insurance Schemes for the Unorganised Sector in India

The need for and offer of non-profit insurance schemes in India
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This paper provides an overview of existing non-profit health insurance schemes for the unorganized sector in India.

The paper makes the following points:

  • Formal security arrangements cover only about 10% of the labor force in India;
  • A range of civil society organizations have experimented with security provision mechanisms over an extended period of time;
  • There are associations, unions, cooperatives, self-help groups and non-government organizations (NGOs) offering insurance products for the unorganized sector.

The study:

  • Examines the Indian public and private health care systems and the major features of Indian insurance products;
  • Studies existing literature and secondary information in order to provide an overview of all informal health insurance schemes in India;
  • Presents detailed case studies of the following non-profit health insurance schemes:
    • The Mathadi Hospital Trust,
    • Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA),
    • Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centers (SPARC),
    • Tribhuvandas Foundation.

The study states that:

  • Establishing the necessary basic infrastructure for health insurance will be an expensive, demanding and time consuming exercise;
  • A federation of non-profit organizations offering similar insurance schemes is one way in which economies of scale can be achieved.

The study concludes with recommendations for quasi-insurers, such as SEWA, for intermediary organizations and for community-based health insurance schemes.

About this Publication

By Krause, P.