
The Chars Livelihood Assistance Scoping Study

How to alleviate poverty in the chars?
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This scooping study by the Department for International Development (DFID) aims to investigate the nature of poverty and vulnerability in the chars in Bangladesh, and then to consider the kind of interventions necessary.

(Note: Chars are new riverine lands and islands created by the continual shifting of rivers, caused by flooding and erosion.)

The report:

  • Presents an overview of poverty in Bangladesh;
  • Provides information on the chars in Kurigram district in Bangladesh;
  • Offers a livelihood analysis of the people in the chars;
  • Highlights issues relevant to poverty on the Kurigram chars.

It lists the following major issues facing the poor in the chars:

  • Inability to resist physical hazards;
  • Poor access to financial services;
  • Lack of savings and credit options;
  • Greater vulnerability of women and children;
  • Inadequate cooperation by non-government organizations (NGOs).

The paper concludes by listing the following implications for intervention by DFID:

  • The case is strong in terms of poverty criteria;
  • There are a number of possible entry points, including support to women's and children's rights, access to appropriate government and NGO services, savings and credit, income enhancement, and reducing vulnerability to physical shocks;
  • The nature and causes of poverty are complex and interlinked;
  • Responses from DFID will have to address the complex nature of poverty, which suggests a broad-based livelihoods approach;
  • DFID will have to work with selected partners and the government.

About this Publication

By Ashley, S., Kar, K., Hossain, A., Nandi, S.