
UNDP Microfinance Assessment Report: Yemen

Why should the Goverment of Yemen explore microfinance as a possible vehicle for socio-economic development?
This report provides details of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) country strategy for Yemen, and also the state of microfinance in the country.>The report covers :
  • The background - political, socio-economic and cultural,
  • Prevailing norms and practices in banking and financial institutions,
  • Government and donor interventions in the micro and small enterprise sector,
  • The demand for microfinance at the national level and in select areas,
  • Potential microfinance institutions and clients for partnership in implementing of microfinance program in Yemen,
  • Criteria for selection of area and client targeting.
The report concludes by mentioning the following as risks and special considerations in implementing a microfinance program in Yemen:
  • Need for capacity building of partner organizations in microfinance.
  • Necessity for different microfinance models to address and meet requirements of varied geographical and cultural diversity.
  • Social venture capital: funders must be willing to take risks.
  • Necessity to obtain concurrence from community leaders to ensure participation by women.

About this Publication

By Bielen, R., Aleryani, A.