Displaying 171 - 180 of 194

Unearthing Embedded Services in South Africa's Construction Sector : Some Experiences

How to ensure that continuous Embedded Services are provided to micro and small enterprises?

Issue Brief on Rural Finance

What are the inefficiencies plaguing the rural financial markets?
Guide / Toolkit

Mapping of Rural Finance Products, Delivery Models and Linkages

How to deliver rural financial services effectively?

Using Social Performance Information for Internal Management and External Reporting

How can social performance be assessed and managed?
Guide / Toolkit

Introduction to Process Mapping

Process mapping: utility and procedure in the microfinance context

Achieving Financial Sustainability: Six Key Strategies for Microfinance Associations

How can microfinance associations achieve financial sustainability?
Case Study

Institutionalizing Client Assessment: The Activists for Social Alternatives - India

What are the main components of ASA's Client Assessment Tool?

The Emerging Role of Microfinance Programs in Mitigating the Impact of Natural Disasters: Summary Findings of World Visions Ethiopian Affiliate

The impact of microfinance programs in disaster mitigation and relief

Conflict and Post-Conflict Environments: Ten Short Lessons To Make Microfinance Work

How can microfinance work in a conflict or post-conflict situation?