Displaying 151 - 160 of 194
Case Study

Making Retail Markets Work for the Poor: Why and How Triple Trust Organisation Decided to Intervene in the Spaza Market in South Africa

Practitioner's manual for conducting market assessment
Guide / Toolkit

An Inventory of BDS Market Assessment Methods for Programs Targeting Microenterprises

Effective use of market assessment for business development services
Guide / Toolkit

All Paths Lead to Learning: Common Mistakes in BDS Market Assessment and How to Avoid Them

Mistakes to be avoided while conducting a market assessment for business development services

Benefits of Client Assessment

Improving programs using client assessment information

Client Assessment Lessons Learned

What have various microfinance institutions learnt about client assessments?

Efforts to Mitigate the Impact of AIDS on Clients, Households and Enterprises

How can microfinance help HIV/AIDS infected communities?

Recommendations on Donor Guidelines To Support Microfinance Associations

What kind of microfinance associations should donors assist?
Case Study

Profitability of Microfinance in Commercial Banks: Case Studies of CREDIFE and Hatton National Bank

Are commercial banks attracted by the profit potential of microfinance?

The Missing Link in the Value Chain: Financing for Rural Farmers and Microentrepreneurs

Strategic alliances for financial services and market linkages in rural areas