Displaying 111 - 120 of 194

Performing a State of the Sector Analysis: A Guide for Microfinance Associations

Guide to assist organizations in the information gathering process

Microfinance and Enterprise Development (MED): Effective Tools to Eradicate Poverty?

Speaker’'s Corner discussion synthesis, October 14–-16, 2008
Case Study

Setting Standards and Sticking to Them: When Microfinance Network NGOs Decide to Exit

Sharing insights into exit policies and processes in microfinance
Case Study

Linking Youth with Knowledge and Opportunities in Microfinance (LYKOM) Project, Morocco: A Youth Livelihoods Program Case Study

Expanding financial and non-financial services to youth in Morocco

State of the Practice in Market Facilitation (Conference Synthesis)

Proceedings from the online conference "State of the Practice in Market Facilitation", 2008

Microfinance Industry Report: Vietnam

Focusing on sustainable financial services as per global good microfinance practices

Microfinance Reporting Standards Committee, Concept Note

Creating uniform microfinance accounting and reporting standards

Sparking Strong Partnerships: Field Tips from Microfinance Institutions and Energy Companies on Partnering to Expand Access to Energy Services

Developing stronger collaboration between actors in energy and microfinance sectors

Using Microfinance to Expand Access to Energy Services: A Desk Study of Experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean

Examining MFIs' experiences in lending for rural energy services