Displaying 71 - 80 of 649

Getting Repaid in Asset Finance: A Guide to Managing Credit Risk

This Technical Guide summarizes the lessons learned from engagements with 15 asset finance companies in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia between 2018 and 2020 and offers suggestions on credit risk management.


Fintech and Financial Inclusion: A Funders' Guide to Greater Impact

This practical guide, based on two years of global research, describes how development funders can identify promising fintechs and maximize their impact.


Regulatory Approaches to the Interest Earned on E-Money Float Accounts

This Technical Note outlines five approaches to the regulatory treatment of making use of float interest earned by float accounts.


COVID-19 G2P Cash-Transfer Payments - Case Study: Philippines

This case study highlights how the Government of the Philippines (GoP) responded to the pandemic with strong social protection measures. The government program that was created in March 2020 aims to provide cash assistance to 18 million households (over 75 percent of total households) in the country. This case study documents the lessons learned from the implementation of the program, focusing on the digital G2P (government to persons) payment delivery.


External Webinar

Is There a Business Case for Digital Financial Services for Women Farmers?

In this webinar, three financial service providers and their technical assistance providers shared insights on customer research process, their challenges, and results from their engagements.


Resilient Microfinance Industry Signals Path Toward Cautious, Gradual Recovery

This snapshot is part of a series published by CGAP and Symbiotics, offering regular updates on how COVID-19 is affecting the microfinance sector’s portfolio quality, financial health, and ability to serve excluded clients.


Elevating the Collective Consumer Voice in Financial Regulation

This paper explores the potential impact of incorporating the collective voice of consumers into financial sector policy and regulation, and opportunities for funders to help elevate these voices.


2019 Trends in International Funding for Financial Inclusion

CGAP Funder Survey documenting global trends in funding for financial inclusion.


Microfinance Institutions Maintain Rebound, but Solvency Questions Loom

The latest Symbiotics indicators show that, as of October 2020, microfinance institutions (MFIs) remain resilient and have managed to stop the negative trends reported in the first half of 2020.

Guide / Toolkit

Crisis Roadmap for Microfinance Institutions: COVID-19 and Beyond

Steps microfinance institutions can take to navigate the pandemic and prepare for future crises