Displaying 631 - 640 of 649
Case Study

The Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest: A Microfinance Program

Reviewing the first three years of CGAPs work
Case Study

Savings Mobilization Strategies: Lessons From Four Experiences

How can microfinance institutions successfully mobilize savings?

Commercial Banks in Microfinance: New Actors in the Microfinance World

Sustainable microfinance services through commercial banks

Cost Allocation For Multi-Service Microfinance Institutions

Creating cost centers for better business planning
Guide / Toolkit

Management Information Systems for Microfinance Institutions: A Handbook

Developing and implementing MIS in MFIs

Anatomy of a Microfinance Deal: The New Approach to Investing in Microfinance Institutions

An institutional approach to donor-MFI relationships

State-owned Development Banks in Microfinance

Transforming state-owned banks into successful MFIs

Introducing Savings in Microcredit Institutions: When and How?

When and how a MFI should mobilise voluntary savings from the public?

Report of Virtual Meeting: CGAP Working Group Impact Assessment Methodologies

What are the current issues on impact assessment?

Effective Governance for Microfinance Institutions

Defining the composition and role of an MFI's board