Displaying 601 - 610 of 649

A Poverty Assessment of the Small Enterprise Foundation on Behalf of CGAP

Evaluating a poverty targetted program in Northern Province, South Africa

Developing Deposit Services for the Poor: Preliminary Guidance for Donors

Should you become involved in savings mobilisation?

Financial Services Associations: The Story so Far

Why have FSAs achieved only limited success?

Focus on Financial Transparency: Building the Infrastructure of a Microfinance Industry

What are the goals of financial transparency in the microfinance industry?

In-Country Donor Coordination

Can coordination avoid duplication and poor practice?

Commercialization and Mission Drift: The Transformation of Microfinance in Latin America

Has commercialisation driven microfinance institutions away from their initial mission?

Dimensions and Dynamics of MFI Competition in Bangladesh

Issues Facing Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh

Helping to Build a Microfinance Industry

What role has CGAP played in promoting microfinance?
Case Study

Exploring Client Preferences in Microfinance: Some Observations from SafeSave

How do clients respond to flexible products and services?
Case Study

Appraisal Document for XAC Mongolia

Evaluating XAC's operations and performance and documenting its transformation process