Displaying 451 - 460 of 649

Access for All: Building Inclusive Financial Systems

Developing different approaches to make financial services accessible to poor
Case Study

Managing for Profitability - Case Studies from DEPROSC Development Bank (DD Bank) in Nepal and Banco Caja Social (BCSC) in Columbia

Institutional efforts in managing operations to remain profitable in challenging situations

Where are They Now? Learning from the Progress of Seven Microfinance Deposit–-Taking Institutions from 1996-–2003

Analyzing deposit-taking institutions' success by financial and social performance standard mesaures

Mobile-Phone Banking and Low-income Customers: Evidence from South Africa

Analyzing adoption of mobile banking among the poor
Case Study

Karuna Trust, Karnataka - India

Karuna Trust: An example of pairing insurance with existing public structures
Case Study

Health Microinsurance: A Comparison of Four Publicly-run Schemes - Latin America

How have public microfinance schemes performed in the Latin America?
Case Study

Yeshasvini Trust, Karnataka - India

Case study analyzing self-funded health insurance scheme

How Cellphone Technology Can Mobilise Microfinance

Can mobile phones lower the cost of microfinance?
Case Study

VimoSEWA, India

Is the VimoSEWA model likely to positively impact development?

Country Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR): Madagascar

Microfinance in Madagascar: A look at the problems and possible solutions