Displaying 431 - 440 of 649

Performance and Transparency: A Survey of Microfinance in South Asia

Understanding the microfinance environment in South Asia

Mobile Phones for Microfinance

Exploring the potential of mobile phone banking services

Program Review: CGAP'S Pro-Poor Innovation Challenge 2000-2005

Innovative approaches to offer sustainable financial services to marginalized clients

Competition and Microcredit Interest Rates

How does competition affect interest rates for microfinance borrowers?

Graduating the Poorest into Microfinance: Linking Safety Nets and Financial Services

Can microfinance be linked to safety net programs?

Using Technology to Build Inclusive Financial Systems

Analyzing current use of technology to deliver financial services to the poor

Microfinance in Algeria - Opportunities and Challenges (Final Report)

An overview of the Algerian financial sector and opportunities for microfinance development

The State of Microcredit: Outreach, Profitability, and Poverty (Paper)

What factors affect a microfinance institution's outreach and profitability?

Foreign Exchange Rate Risk in Microfinance: What Is It and How Can It be Managed?

How can the microfinance sector handle foreign exchange risk?
Guide / Toolkit

Foreign Exchange Risk Mitigation Techniques - Structure and Documentation: A Technical Guide for Microfinance Institutions

Hedging options for MFIs exposed to foreign exchange risk