Displaying 411 - 420 of 649

MFI Capital Structure Decision Making: A Call for Greater Awareness

Helping MFIs evaluate funding sources

Indonesian Microfinance at the Crossroads: Caught between Popular and Populist Policies

How can Indonesian microfinance get out of the trap of unsupportive policies?
Case Study

CGAP Reflections on the Compartamos Initial Public Offering

Do high interest rates and profits invalidate the social mission of an MFI?

Country-Level Effectiveness and Accountability Review (CLEAR) with a Policy Diagnostic: Pakistan

Massive funding and a sound regulatory framework are not sufficient to build strong institutions

Sustainability of Self-Help Groups in India: Two Analyses (Occasional Paper No. 12)

Exploring the financial viability of SHG programs

Banking on the Future: An Interview with Chandula Abeywickrema from Hatton National Bank in Sri Lanka

A discussion with Hatton National Bank's Deputy General Manager on targeted savings products.

Text-A-Deposit: Expanding Mobile-Phone Banking to Include Savings Services

A look at USAID's MABS program that facilitates mobile phone technology for remittances

Law on Microcredit Organizations of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Describing regulation for microcredit organizations

CGAP Study on Self-Help Groups in India

Brief on CGAP's two-part study examining the financial viability of SHGs

Financial Inclusion 2015: Four Scenarios for the Future of Microfinance

How can we prepare for demographic, political, & technological forces that will shape microfinance?