Displaying 161 - 170 of 649

Measuring Market Development

A handbook for funders and implementers of financial inclusion programs

Regulatory Sandboxes and Financial Inclusion

Overview of a useful tool for regulators to promote innovation for financial inclusion
Guide / Toolkit

Customer-Centric Guide

Collection of hands-on toolkits and experiments for designing effective financial services

Banking in the M-PESA Age: Lessons from Kenya

Three approaches Kenyan banks use to respond to mobile money

Consumer Protection in Digital Credit

Tips and recommendations for digital lenders to build strong business models

Money, Decisions, and Control: Building Digital Financial Services That Help Poor Customers Cope and Strategize

A guide for FSPs interested in designing financial services targeting low-income customers
Guide / Toolkit

Customer Empowerment in Finance: Why Greater Choice and Control for Poor Customers is Better for Business and Will Help Achieve Financial Inclusion

Guide for designing actions to give low-income customers choice, respect, voice, and control

Crowdfunding in China: The Financial Inclusion Dimension

Will China's size translate into improved access to finance for the poor?

Social Norms Change for Women’s Financial Inclusion

Taking social norms into consideration when designing women’s financial inclusion initiatives
FinDev Webinar

Financial Services and Humanitarian Crisis

This webinar explores challenges and opportunities practitioners face in working on humanitarian-development issues, and the role donors play in supporting financial services in crisis environments.