Displaying 111 - 120 of 649

The Use of Agents by Digital Financial Services Providers

As distribution of digital financial services through agents increases, this Technical Note focuses on regulating agent models within an enabling framework that fosters financial inclusion.


Making Data Work for the Poor

With the rise of digital technologies, the use of personal data by private companies is growing rapidly. But how do we know they will use this data responsibly and in consumers’ best interests?


Fair Play: Ensuring Competition in Digital Financial Services

Providing guidance to financial sector regulators for identifying anti-competitive behavior

A Tale of Two Sisters: Microfinance Institutions and PAYGo Solar

Insights into the future of partnerships of microfinance institutions

Risk-Based Customer Due Diligence: Regulatory Approaches

Weighing the pros and cons of risk-based approaches to customer due diligence

The Future of G2P Payments: Expanding Customer Choice

How can governments modernize the way they deliver social welfare payments?
Guide / Toolkit

Using Satellite Data in Financial Inclusion

How service providers can use satellite data and advanced analytics techniques to reach customers

Emerging Evidence on Financial Inclusion: Moving from Black and White to Color

Painting a more nuanced picture of the role of financial services in the lives of the poor
Guide / Toolkit

Data-Driven Segmentation in Financial Inclusion

How financial services providers can use data analytics to better segment and serve customers