Displaying 291 - 300 of 353

Electronic Banking: The Next Revolution in Financial Access?

How can e-banking initiatives in India succeed?
Case Study

Client-Focused MFI Technologies Case Study

Analyzing the impact of client-focused technologies in microfinance

Bibliography of Resources on Non-MIS Technologies and Microfinance

Resource list of information on non-MIS technologies relevant to MFIs

Information and Communication Technology and Microfinance: Options for Mongolia

Analysis of four possible Information and Communication Technology solutions in Xacbank, Mongolia

Electronic Banking of the Unbanked: It Is Time to Change the Model

Can MFIs offer electronic banking services to the unbanked?

Using Technology to Build Inclusive Financial Systems

Analyzing current use of technology to deliver financial services to the poor

SYSDE SAF CGAP Review 2005: SYSDE's Feedback to the Review

SYSDE SAF's comments on suggested improvements in CGAP software review

Open and Distance Learning in Microfinance

Examining the use of information technology for educational activities in microfinance

Banking the Unbanked: Technology's Role in Delivering Accessible Financial Services to the Poor

Is technology required for increasing the outreach of microfinance?

Innovations in Information Technologies

On the process for introducing mobile banking technologies through handheld computers in Mali