Displaying 361 - 370 of 511

Recommendations on Donor Guidelines To Support Microfinance Associations

What kind of microfinance associations should donors assist?

Microfinance Investment Funds - Key Features

Drawing parallels between development of MFIs and microfinance investment funds

Competition and Microfinance

Is competition between microfinance institutions good for poor people?
Case Study

Donors Succeed by Making Themselves Obsolete: Compartamos Taps Financial Markets in Mexico

How can donors help MFIs grow?

The Future of Sustainability Finance - Thought Leaders Study

Corporate social responsibility: An answer to the sustainability of financial institutions

The Market for Foreign Investment in Microfinance: Opportunities and Challenges

Is there enough demand for foreign investors in the microfinance market?

The Ultimate Balancing Act: Investor Confidence and Regulatory Considerations for Microfinance

How can regulators build investor confidence in microfinance?

Transitions to Private Capital: Regulatory Challenges to Private Sector Investment

Removing regulatory blocks for investment in microfinance

The Complementary Use of Loans and Grants

How to use grants to graduate people to credit and other financial services?