Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance and HIV/AIDS: Tools for Making Institutional Changes in Response to HIV/AIDS

A guide to microfinance and HIV/AIDS
Download 41 pages

This manual is a companion toolkit to the Microfinance and HIV/AIDS: Defining Options for Strategic and Operational Change training course. The handbook provides MFI managers with a series of tools to evaluate, plan and implement new interventions around HIV/AIDS.

The manual focuses on four themes:

  • How to evaluate and write an action plan for implementing new changes within the MFI that focus on addressing the financial impact of HIV/AIDS?
  • How to develop workplace programs for MFI staff including workplace policies?
  • Which financial indicators to monitor to understand how HIV/AIDS is affecting the institutions portfolio, deposit base, clients, and staff?
  • How to refine financial products and services in line with changes demanded by clients or required to retain affected clients while maintaining strong financial performance?

The guide can be used by institutions in medium and high prevalence HIV/AIDS environments in their planning processes. It is intended to give direction to MFI managers in:

  • Assigning responsibilities to specific people and making them accountable for the responsibilities;
  • Determining realistic time frames for carrying out proposed activities;
  • Establishing relationships with partners that can be of assistance to the MFI in achieving its goals.

About this Publication

By Fraser, F., Green, C., Miller, M.