Guide / Toolkit

A Technical Guide to PEARLS - A Performance Monitoring System

A guide to assess the financial stability of credit unions
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This paper describes one of the better known microfinance assessment methodologies - PEARLS. Designed by WOCCU, PEARLS financial monitoring system offers management guidance for credit unions and other savings institutions.

PEARLS is a set of financial ratios employed to assess the financial stability of credit unions within WOCCU. The ratios are grouped under six crucial areas of performance, which are:

  • Protection;
  • Effective financial structure;
  • Asset quality;
  • Rates of return and costs;
  • Liquidity;
  • Signs of growth.

Further, the paper states that PEARLS:

  • Is designed to act as an early warning system for internal use by the management;
  • Provides credit union managers with concise, easy-to-read reports that reveal institutional weaknesses and trends;
  • Offers a strategic business planning tool to help managers implement change.

The paper concludes by comparing PEARLS with another popular performance monitoring system, CAMEL, and identifies the salient differences between the two.

About this Publication

By Evans, E., Branch, B.