Case Study

Financial Market Development - Support from the Inter-American Development Bank Group 1990-2002

How did Inter-American Development Bank support Financial Market Development during 1990-2002?
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This issue of Financial Market Development offers a general view of the activities of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Group that supported financial market development in Latin America and the Caribbean during the period 1990-2002.

The paper highlights that during 1990-2002, the IDB Group addressed financial sector activities by targeting six critical areas:

  • Banking intermediation;
  • Capital markets;
  • Insurance markets;
  • Pension systems;
  • Housing finance;
  • Debt reduction.

The paper gives a glimpse of the IDBs operations in financial sector reform and market deepening across different countries. These include:

  • Argentina:
    • Global credit program for small businesses and micro enterprises;
    • Investment sector reform program.
  • Bolivia:
    • Multi-sector lending program;
    • Financial and investment sector reform program.
  • Brazil:
    • Supervision of closed private pension funds;
    • Global credit program for small- and medium-sized enterprises.

The paper concludes that in future, IDB will:

  • Work in Capital markets and contribute to the process of institutional strengthening;
  • Support efforts to develop deeper, more liquid bank and non-bank financial markets;
  • Work with supervisory and regulatory institutions to ensure implementation of appropriate financial standards for integration of the financial markets.

About this Publication

By Demaestri, E.